
Today I got word that a website in honor of Marty may be forthcoming at Rutgers. Also, for those who don't already know, Rutgers is having a memorial ceremony on September 12 at 5 pm:
Marty's Rutgers page.
Further thought on this blog
My inspiration for this blog was not only Marty but also a friend of mine from the Sacred Heart Church Community of Camden, NJ, Jeremy Sullivan. Jeremy is riding his bicycle cross country to raise money for the beautification of Waterfront South, the neighborhood surrounding the church:
Jeremey's Journey. As he's traversed the country, I've seen posts from people everywhere, and it feels as if we all are united in support and harmony with him. Marty's group of friends being worldwide, I thought perhaps something similar could happen for him. Being inexperienced with blogging, I simply went with the inspiration to create one without much thought. On further thought, it occurs to me that a blog is the creation of one person, and what I'm really seeking to create/develop is the combined efforts of many people to honor him. Therefore, I ask readers, especially those of you who are more computer- and internet-savvy, please to offer suggestions of how we can do that within this context, or for a more appropriate one.
A couple of good links to get us started

When I first heard Marty had passed I couldn't believe it. So I scoured the internet for stories confirming or denying. Along with a few about his passing, I found a few about his artistry. So, I'm passing these along.
Courier Obituary is an article from the South Jersey Courier Post about his passing. Another from his managers gives us a flavor of his active schedule. The links there take you to his bio and record label:
Schedule, bio, photos. Still another from the preview of his most recent (now final) performance up at the Central Vermont Chamber Music Festival:
Festival Artists.Feel free to chime in!

Rittenhouse Opera Society performance.

Marty's head shot.
This Blog - Raison d'etre
Hello readers! Marty was a friend whom I knew too briefly. This experience I share with many.
He accompanied (on piano) our choral ensemble in a concert I appeared in recently. His tireless work effort and ever-present smile made life better. As I have reached out to others who knew him, I discover that this experience, too, has been shared by many.
As with many shining stars, this one's path was interrupted. Hard as it may be, we must accept this but as I do, I thought to honor him by gathering such information as I could find, and asking others who knew him to add their thoughts, remembrances and wisdom.
Just now I got off the phone with Peter Standers, coordinator of the Central Vermont Chamber Music Festival. Marty had just finished singing in the Festival's first week, which tragically will now be known as the final performances in a distinguished career. Mr. Standers reported that Marty had had a great time in Vermont and made great music. May we all end so happily.